Minecraft 1.14 Pre-Release 5

Village & Pillage шинэчлэлтийн java edition-ы pre-release хувилбар

Minecraft 1.14 Pre-Release 5

1.14 хувилбар болох Village & Pillage шинэчлэлтийн шинэ нэмэлт болон өөрчлөлтүүдийг ерөнхийд нь хийж дууссан болсон тул pre-release шат буюу алдаа засах, илүү тогтвортой болгох тал дээр нь ажиллаж эхэлсэн.

Шинэчлэлт: Бид pre-release 5 дээр ирлээ. Энэ нь бидний сүүлийн pre-release хувилбар байна гэж найдаж байгаа ба Minecraft: Java Edition-д Village & Pillage шинэчлэлтийг 4 сарын 23-нд гаргахаар төлөвлөж байна.


  • Тамын хаалгыг оновчилж, хаалгаар ямар нэг зүйл гарсны дараа нөгөө талыг 15 секундын турш боловсруулна
  • Өчигдөр үүссэн гэрэлтүүлгийн асуудлуудыг шийдсэн
  • Fixed a case where block entities weren't being ticked correctly
  • Updated the game credits


MC-148580 - Сервер талын гэрэлтүүлэг 1.14 pre-4 дээр эвдэрсэн хэвээр байна


  • Алдаа зассан
  • Нөөц ашиглалтыг нэмэгдүүлсэн


  • MC-101233 - Burned out redstone torch map causes memory leak
  • MC-144173 - Үнэг шөл уухдаа аягыг нь бас идээд байна
  • MC-144346 - Composter Bottom texture uses side texture
  • MC-145736 - taiga_meeting_point_2 has two logs that are rotated incorrectly
  • MC-145762 - Тосгоны иргэд ажлын байр луугаа явахгүй байна
  • MC-146528 - Raid bar will disappear after being filled in villages created in nether
  • MC-146615 - Нэхмэлийн машин тосгоны байшинд буруу харчихсан байна
  • MC-147316 - Villager GUI-н баруу ирмэг байхгүй/дутуу
  • MC-147845 - resources.zip in world folder makes game crash when clicking resource packs button
  • MC-148044 - Foxes look weirdly at you after killing rabbit/chicken when jumping
  • MC-148091 - Ominous banners are called "block.minecraft.illager_banner"
  • MC-148192 - Music slider doesn't affect volume
  • MC-148210 - The merchant can be summoned with a negative age which has the effect that he has the hitbox of a baby villager
  • MC-148356 - Foxes holding items are lowered by a pixel or 2
  • MC-148357 - Foxes still run away from wolves, even if they are tamed
  • MC-148358 - Baby foxes holding items are shifted
  • MC-148383 - Right-clicking cartography table output when duplicating map causes loss of second map
  • MC-148466 - Foxes have 20 health points
  • MC-148504 - Mobs not affected by sunlight


  • Алдаа зассан


  • MC-137935 - Араг яс нарнаас нуугдах газар хайж байхдаа тоглогч руу харвахгүй байна
  • MC-139446 - Агаарт /fill тушаалаар блок байрлуулахад тэнгэрийн гэрэл дахин тооцоологдохгүй байна
  • MC-141990 - Газрын зургийг хуулж байхад зураг зүйчийн ширээ шинэчлэгдэхгүй байна
  • MC-142134 - Light sources spontaneously not working in some chunks
  • MC-144107 - Linux дээрх KDE дээр цонхны горимд байхад камерны байрлал буруу тооцоологдож байна
  • MC-144111 - Foxes get stuck after pouncing
  • MC-144114 - Үнэг унтаж байхдаа алхаж/гулгаж байна
  • MC-145944 - Тосгоны иргэн усаар хэтэрхий хурдан дээшилж байна
  • MC-145952 - Төмөр хүн, тосгоны иргэн тосгоноосоо гарч яваад байна
  • MC-146272 - Double screen bounce with new sneak/crouch changes
  • MC-146978 - Hero of the Village effect obtained naturally makes the player give off particles
  • MC-147305 - Player crouches with a delay
  • MC-147363 - "Villager disagrees" sound is played twice when right clicking a villager without trades
  • MC-147387 - Ravagers with a passenger won't attack players and iron golems
  • MC-147646 - Mobs will go to village centers and attack the air
  • MC-147772 - Horses can glitch when moving up blocks
  • MC-147799 - Strange TNT behaviour
  • MC-147853 - Animals can not get out of water since 1.14-pre1
  • MC-147897 - Riding entities down elevation deals damage on dismount (again)
  • MC-147913 - Shearing Sheep doesn't use Shears Durability
  • MC-148000 - Enchanted books cannot be disenchanted with the grindstone
  • MC-148031 - Spectator flying slows down in solid blocks
  • MC-148037 - Light Level decreases on Blocks as Y Level increases
  • MC-148045 - Same items types on ground don't stack together
  • MC-148185 - Duplicate maps using cartography table


  • Алдаа зассан
  • Нөөцийн ашиглалтыг нэмэгдүүлсэн


  • MC-123773 - Scrolling the hotbar on mac behaves weirdly starting in 18w01a
  • MC-133205 - Missing block with superflat preset "The Void"
  • MC-137581 - Destroyed shulker boxes are lost in creative mode
  • MC-138444 - Tall sea grass doesn't drop sea grass when sheared
  • MC-140236 - Using the Grindstone on an item to remove enchants doesn't reset the XP price to add enchants to it in an anvil
  • MC-140261 - When putting only one non-enchanted item in the grindstone GUI, the same item appears as the output
  • MC-141253 - Zombie villagers in certain biomes don't spawn with their biome specific skins
  • MC-141990 - Cartography table does not update when cloning maps
  • MC-143410 - Wandering Trader and Trader Llama spawn in the void biome
  • MC-143998 - Switching in smoker between "Showing all" and "Showing smokable" does not work
  • MC-144242 - Foxes' heads never move
  • MC-145738 - All town centers in village now generate in ground and creates many holes in superflat world
  • MC-145848 - Players can sleep in the same beds as villagers
  • MC-145916 - Food that can be planted cannot be eaten while targeting a block
  • MC-146251 - Farmer doesn't look at plants when he is working
  • MC-146995 - Villagers don't immediately replant crops
  • MC-147338 - Bright spots underwater - ocean lighting errors
  • MC-147565 - Foxes body model are 2 pixel higher when sleeping
  • MC-147566 - Baby fox hitbox is shifted
  • MC-147572 - Suspicious stews of saturation from shipwrecks and villagers still have a lasting effect
  • MC-147598 - Baby foxes don't drop items they're holding when they die
  • MC-147606 - Polar bear attack sound never changes pitch, even if the roar comes from a baby polar bear
  • MC-147654 - Baby fox's head is off center
  • MC-147754 - Crash while opening world / while ticking entity: "IllegalStateException: POI data mismatch: already registered at ev{x=##, y=##, z=##}"
  • MC-147951 - Cartography Table does not Lock Maps


  • Алдаа зассан
  • Нөөцийн ашиглалтыг нэмэгдүүлсэн
  • Optimize world дэлгэцэнд кэш (cache) хийгдсэн өгөгдлийг устгах боломж нэмсэн (e.g. height maps болон light), тиймээс дэлхий рүүгээ дараа нь ороход тэдгээрийг дахин тооцоолох болно


  • MC-134755 - Бүх намхан мобууд усны мандлаас доохон живж байна
  • MC-137451 - Мобууд эргэн тойрноо харахдаа толгойгоо маш хурдан хөдөлгөж байна
  • MC-138979 - Scaffolding switches quickly between entity and block when placed on some non-solid blocks
  • MC-139255 - Агуйн дуу чимээ тоглохгүй байна
  • MC-140936 - The tall grass in the plains village structures doesn't take the block it spawns on into consideration
  • MC-142134 - Light sources spontaneously not working in some chunks
  • MC-142228 - Skylight shines through blocks
  • MC-142729 - Puffed puffer fishes with "NoAI" tag can shrink down
  • MC-142768 - Mobs can suffocate below blocks, if the eye height isn't inside the collision box
  • MC-143112 - Duplicated files in village structure
  • MC-143591 - Spiders and cave spiders fly-climb
  • MC-143699 - Trader llamas won't despawn
  • MC-144798 - Barrels always try to set their "open" state to false
  • MC-145031 - Crash while ticking barrel
  • MC-145766 - Iron golems spawning at an alarming rate
  • MC-146295 - Loom top texture is backwards
  • MC-146538 - Eye position for riptiding player is incorrect
  • MC-146800 - Villager can make the discount number of unstackable item more than 1
  • MC-146860 - Trading sometimes takes the full price instead of the discounted price when player has the Hero of the Village effect
  • MC-146919 - Drowned, fish and guardians are not spawning
  • MC-147031 - When a zombie wakes up a villager, the bed tag is still on occupied (occupied: true)
  • MC-147056 - Zombie villagers spawned with a zombie village move very fast
  • MC-147207 - hs_pid_error appears for no reason in snapshots.
  • MC-147227 - Shift-clicking an item out of the trading inventory instantly locks the trade
  • MC-147240 - Villagers can trade Arrows of Luck
  • MC-147268 - Villagers don't run away from ravagers, pillagers, vindicators, evokers, zombies or husks
  • MC-147270 - Player can still move at normal speed and sprint while sneaking in a 1.5 blocks tall space
  • MC-147274 - Villager 'Happy' and 'Angry' particles not showing, even when particles are on 'All'
  • MC-147298 - Arrow facing down with 0 degrees on both x z (basically straight down) cannot be picked up and play a sound on loop
  • MC-147305 - Player crouches with a delay
  • MC-147363 - "Villager disagrees" sound is played twice when right clicking a villager without trades
  • MC-147513 - Unable to focus anvil textfield by clicking
  • MC-147529 - Background is not dimmed for book or lectern
  • MC-147532 - Chunks stop loading after change view distance
  • MC-147538 - Cannot drag any slider in "Video Settings" options
  • MC-147560 - Mobs stop spawning over time if the render distance is less than 11
  • MC-147607 - Command block text field isn't focused when opening the GUI anymore
  • MC-147642 - Narrator is toggled when typing in text fields
  • MC-147681 - X-ray with door and slab

Эх сурвалж: minecraft.net