Minecraft 1.16 Pre-Release 1 & 2

Minecraft 1.16 гарахад улам ойртлоо

Minecraft 1.16 Pre-Release 1 & 2

Одоо ихэвчлэн дандаа алдаа зассан л хувилбарууд гарах болно.

Pre-Release 2: Тоглоом осолдож байсан тохиолдлуудыг зассан бөгөөд pre-release 1 дээр нээсэн дэлхий pre-release 2 дээр ажиллахгүй болсон.

  • Тамыг буцааж нэмсэн


  • MC-187350 - Game randomly crashes / IllegalStateException: POI never registered
  • MC-187352 - Loading a world created in 1.16-pre1 always ask for confirmation
  • MC-187353 - Crash when loading some worlds: IllegalStateException: Lock is no longer valid
  • MC-187358 - Worlds generated in 1.16-pre1 do not have their world generation settings saved correctly, causing chunk errors
  • MC-187364 - Disabling and enabling dimension datapack disables nether and end
  • MC-187408 - Game crashing with Nether portals - java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking player


  • "Гайхамшигтай" (Fabulous) графикын сонголт нэмэгдсэн.


  • Бүтээгч горимд байхдаа мүүшрүүм болон энгийн үнээг сааж болно
  • Бүтээгч горимд байхдаа мүүшрүүмээс шөл авч болно
  • Бүтээгч горимд байхдаа хоосон хувингаар ус хутгахад устай хувин танд нэмэгдэнэ. Хэрэв устай хувин аль хэдийн байвал дахин нэмэгдэхгүй
  • Ямар ч тосгоны иргэн аянганд ниргүүлэн шулам болосныхоо дараа despawn хийгдэхгүй
  • Шинэ тоглоомын дүрэм universalAnger (өгөгдмөл: идэвхгүй) нь нейтрал мобууд уурлахаараа занасан хүнээс гадна ойр байгаа хүмүүс рүү дайрах эсэхийг тодорхойлно
  • Шинэ тоглоомын дүрэм forgiveDeadPlayers (өгөгдмөл: идэвхтэй) нь нейтрал мобуудын занасан хүн нь үхвэл уур нь гарах эсэхийг тодорхойлно
  • Зомбижсон пиглин гэмгүй хүмүүс рүү дайрахгүй (universalAnger-г идэвхжүүлээгүй үед)
  • Зомбижсон пиглиний занасан хүн нь үхвэл уур нь гарна (forgiveDeadPlayers-г унтраагаагүй үед)


  • Дархны ширээнд урлах зүйлсийг өгөгдлийн багц ашиглан нэмж, хасах боломжтой болсон
  • Тоглоом одоо өгөгдлийн багцаас ноцтой алдаануудыг илрүүлдэг болсон. Жишээ нь шаардлагатай шошгыг оруулаагүй, дэлхийг уншихаас сэргийлж байгаа гэх мэт


  • Өгөгдлийн багцыг дэлхий үүсгэхээс өмнө нь тохируулж болдог болсон
  • Дэлхийг "Дахин үүсгэх" үед өгөгдлийн багц мөн давхар хуулагдана


  • Багцын файлуудыг харгалзах хэсгүүдэд (дүрслэлийн, өгөгдлийн) нь чирж буулган суулгаж болно
  • Буулгасан файл болон хавтаснууд нь харгалзах газартаа хуулагдана


Урлах арганд smithing төрөл нэмэгдсэн. Энэ нь дархны ширээнд нэг зүйлийг нөгөө рүү өгөгдлийн алдагдалгүйгээр сайжруулах боломжтой.

  • base - Оролтын эд зүйл
  • addition - Оролт дээр нэмэх зүйл
  • result - Гаралтын эд зүйл


  • MC-4520 - Aggressive neutral mobs become neutral when the world is reloaded
  • MC-9856 - you cannot pick up buckets of water/lava in creative mode
  • MC-36322 - Unable to milk cows in creative
  • MC-64623 - Lightning bolts cannot be targeted by selectors
  • MC-69032 - When a mob hits a zombified piglin, and that mob dies, the zombified piglins attack you
  • MC-90969 - Cannot get mushroom stew from mooshrooms / milk from cows in creative mode
  • MC-106968 - Snow golems aren’t damaged by splash or lingering water bottles
  • MC-127004 - Waterlogged blocks cause z-fighting when looking at them from a distance
  • MC-138675 - Wither skulls inflict the Wither effect on players in Creative mode
  • MC-138713 - “Two by Two” advancement does not require donkeys or mules
  • MC-158906 - After sleeping in a bed, players aren’t positioned in the center of a block
  • MC-159500 - Hostile mobs attacking bees also cause the bees to attack players
  • MC-161969 - Casting issue: Adding ender eyes to end portal frames at high distances causes particles to lose precision
  • MC-163950 - Ice bordering water causes z-fighting issues from a distance
  • MC-164692 - Entering a boat does not play the hand animation
  • MC-165669 - Hand animation is playing when you’re aiming at a block through the mob and use the spawn egg
  • MC-165734 - Minecarts with furnace still display a hand animation with incompatible items when not on a rail
  • MC-166188 - Bees still hitting player after death
  • MC-166524 - Trying to dye a sheep with the same color as sheep displays hand animation
  • MC-167042 - Casting issue: Campfire embers are generated at a point that loses precision at high coordinates
  • MC-167044 - Casting issue: Enchanting table book does not open for the player at high distances in some cases
  • MC-167046 - Casting issue: Lava ember particles and lava popping sounds lose precision on creation at high coordinates
  • MC-167047 - Casting issue: TNT blocks ignited by other explosions lose precision at high coordinates
  • MC-167091 - Casting issue: Water particles dripping from leaves lose precision at high coordinates
  • MC-167195 - Bees anger towards players in survival when killed in one hit
  • MC-167971 - Casting issue: Particles emitted by redstone repeaters lose precision at high coordinates
  • MC-168675 - Settings that update after closing the video settings menu don’t if you change the fullscreen setting
  • MC-170872 - Casting issue: Nether biome particles suffer from precision loss
  • MC-170944 - /locatebiome messages do not fit for all biome names
  • MC-171035 - Casting issue: Particles from falling rain lose precision at high coordinates
  • MC-171037 - Casting issue: smoke produced by lava during rain loses precision at high coordinates
  • MC-171663 - Right-clicking on unemployed villagers sometimes cause hand animation to stop after a villager has a profession
  • MC-171683 - Crimson and warped doors can’t have transparent textures
  • MC-172259 - Baby Hoglin/Zoglin have their head slightly above their neck, it seems that their head is partly floating
  • MC-172531 - Small mobs get stuck in fence corners
  • MC-172610 - When not aiming at a block through a ridable mob while using a spawn egg on it, the player starts riding the mob and a baby mob is spawned
  • MC-174815 - Piglins don’t automatically attack withers
  • MC-175028 - Sometimes hoglins don’t avoid warped fungus
  • MC-175215 - Respawn anchors destroy blocks when detonated underwater
  • MC-175409 - Soul speed “effect” stays when you levitate/fly off of soul sand or soul soil
  • MC-175476 - Respawn anchor doesn’t cull block faces
  • MC-175911 - Soul Speed lasts after leaving soul blocks
  • MC-176041 - Using a spawn egg on a strider while aiming at lava spawns both a baby and an adult strider
  • MC-176188 - Striders are not damaged by splash or lingering water bottles
  • MC-176225 - Accelerating a baby strider’s growth does not display hand animation
  • MC-176470 - Respawning in the nether does not de-aggro zombified piglins
  • MC-176637 - Closing game during Mojang load screen causes NullPointerException
  • MC-176640 - You can set your spawn point inside dangerous blocks
  • MC-178567 - Shearing sheep does not display hand animation again
  • MC-178618 - Feeding a flower to a brown mooshroom does not perform hand animation
  • MC-178961 - /loot … fish … command no longer has any functionality
  • MC-179561 - Retreating baby hoglins sometimes won’t pathfind to the opposite direction of the player
  • MC-180111 - Hoglins angered for reasons other than being attacked by the player ignore placed repellents.
  • MC-180922 - Right clicking a mob with a spawn egg to spawn the baby variant doesn’t play the hand swing animation when not aiming at a block through the mob
  • MC-182308 - Chicken jockeys cannot despawn
  • MC-182748 - Casting issue: Redstone dust particles are generated at the wrong positions at high coordinates
  • MC-182883 - Parity issue: Baby hoglins don’t follow adult hoglins
  • MC-183766 - Who Is Cutting Onions Improperly Capitalized
  • MC-183767 - Incorrect filename for “Serious Dedication” advancement in vanilla data pack
  • MC-183792 - piglin_loved item tag has unnecessary items
  • MC-183821 - “Game Mode Switcher” bottom hint text isn’t centered
  • MC-183825 - New nether challenges don’t grant experience points
  • MC-183893 - Gold nugget isn’t under #piglin_loved
  • MC-184679 - Using custom world generation, temperature is written wrong
  • MC-184947 - Carriage return symbol can be seen when importing or exporting world generation settings to or from certain worlds
  • MC-185095 - “thrown_item_picked_up_by_entity” advancement trigger does not work for players
  • MC-185377 - Bone mealing kelp creates a large field of particles, rather than only within the kelp’s block space
  • MC-185480 - Casting issue: Smoke particles emitted by campfires during rain form at the wrong positions at high coordinates
  • MC-186062 - Warning “Could not find uniform named InSize in the specified shader program.” when loading resources
  • MC-186064 - Clouds render in front of everything for some users
  • MC-186067 - Some structures’ loot chests do not contain any items
  • MC-186071 - Clouds are visible and don’t render correctly when they are turned off
  • MC-186074 - Particles render in the wrong order with transparent blocks when using certain graphics cards
  • MC-186075 - GPU usage in latest snapshot significantly higher than before, causing lag or crash for some users
  • MC-186080 - Entities, block entities, and items are rendered black on some graphics cards
  • MC-186088 - Block hitboxes once again cause semi-transparent blocks not to render behind them
  • MC-186089 - Functions load before entity tags do, causing loading errors.
  • MC-186101 - Some commands in functions cause a NullPointerException
  • MC-186108 - Enchantment glint does not render on dropped/thrown items
  • MC-186109 - You can use multiplayer commands on a singleplayer world
  • MC-186124 - Lightning bolt doesn’t render
  • MC-186204 - Items render in front of other entities, transparent blocks, and blocks with special renderers
  • MC-186253 - Held translucent blocks make the water, clouds, particles, and placed translucent blocks behind them invisible in third person mode.
  • MC-186274 - Purple light from Ender Dragon’s Death doesn’t appear
  • MC-186284 - Player’s point of view is upside down in 20w22a
  • MC-186314 - Villagers become fixated on potential job site
  • MC-186335 - Bees age calculation inside hive/nest is broken
  • MC-186455 - Persistent villagers without experience can despawn after converting to a witch
  • MC-186464 - Enabled data packs still show up in the “/datapack enable” list
  • MC-186478 - Tag minecraft:tick doesn’t work when joining a world
  • MC-186480 - Inner parts of slime blocks and honey blocks disappear again while the block is moved by a piston
  • MC-186600 - Nether gold ore is gray on a map
  • MC-186696 - Totem of Undying causes red or blue tint in the screen when in F5 mode


Minecraft эхлүүлэгч рүүгээ ороод сүүлийн хувилбарыг сонгоод тоглоорой!

Хөгжүүлэлтийн үеийн хувилбарууд нь таны дэлхийг эвдэх магадлалтай тул тухайн дэлхийгээ эхлээд нөөцлөх эсвэл шинэ дэлхий дээр тоглоорой.

Серверийн jar файл:

Алдаагаа энд мэдэгд:

Санал хүсэлт өгмөөр байна уу?

Эх сурвалж: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-1-16-pre-release-1