Minecraft 1.18 - Caves & Cliffs - Part II

Minecraft-н хамгийн том шинэчлэлтүүдийн нэг болох Caves & Cliffs албан ёсоор гарлаа!

Minecraft 1.18 - Caves & Cliffs - Part II

Minecraft-н хамгийн том шинэчлэлтүүдийн нэг болох Caves & Cliffs албан ёсоор гарлаа!

Энэ хувилбараар цаст цагаан оргилоос газар доорх агуй хүртэлх байгалийн тогтоц сүүлийн 10 жилд байгаагүйгээр өөрчлөгдөж, танд өмнө нь байгаагүй цоо шинэ мэдрэмжийг төрүүлэх болно.

Caves & Cliffs: Part II - Trailer


Caves & Cliffs шинэчлэлтээр юу юу өөрчлөгдсөн, нэмэгдсэн талаар Mojang-н хөгжүүлэгчээс сонсохыг хүсвэл энэ бичлэгийг үзээрэй.



Энэ хувилбараар дэлхийн өндөр 256 байсныг дээш доош тус бүр 64 блок нэмж нийт 384 блок өндөр болсон. Өөрөөр хэлбэл Y=-64 -с эхлээд Y=320 хүртэл блок тавих боломжтой болсон гэсэн үг юм.

Дэлхийн өндрийн өөрчлөлт
Байгалийн бүс болон газрын хэлбэр хоорондоо хамааралгүй болсон


Газрын ерөнхий тогтоц өөрчлөгдсөнөөс гадна цоо шинэ 6 байгалийн бүс нэмэгдсэн. Хуучин уулнууд эдгээр сүмбэр уулсын хажууд дов шиг харагдах байх шүү 😊.

    • Үүлнээс өндөр мөнх цаст, мөсөн голт уулс. Энд байх ганц амьтан бол ямаа.
    • Чулуу, хайрга, кальцит чулуугаар хучигдсан оргил. Ямар ч амьтан төрөхгүй.
    • Бусад оргилуудаа бодвол илүү шовх оройтой цас эсвэл чулуугаар хучигдсан уулс.
    • Цас болон хөвсгөр цасаар хучигдсан, ихэвчлэн өндөр уулын хажуу, зарим уулсын орой дээр үүснэ. Энд туулай, ямаа хоёр нутаглана.
    • Цас болон хөвсгөр цасаар хучигдсан гацуур модон ой. Ихэвчлэн өндөр уулын хажуу, зарим уулсын орой дээр үүснэ. Энд үнэг, чоно, туулай нутагладаг.
    • Өндөрлөг газар байх өвслөг, цэцэгт тэгш тал. Заримдаа өнчин хус эсвэл царс мод зөгийн үүрийн хамт үүсдэг. Энд илжиг, туулай, хонь нутаглана.
3 хэмжээст байгалийн бүс: Дээр, доор өөр өөр байгалийн бүс байх боломжтой болсон


Илүү өргөн, илүү нарийн, устай, хайлмагтай, нуур, цөөрөм, голтой гээд төрөл бүрийн агуйнууд нэмэгдсэн. Бүхэл бүтэн газар доорх өөр ертөнц л гэсэн үг.

Шинэ агуйн төрлүүд
Далайн түвшнээс гадна газар бүр өөр өөрийн гэсэн усны түвшинтэй болсон

Мөн ердийн чулуун агуйг илүү олон янзын, аюултай, үзэсгэлэнтэй болгох үүднээс газар доорх шинэ хоёр байгалийн бүс нэмэгдсэн. Дээрээс нь Y=0 хүртэл энгийн саарал чулуу үргэлжилж байгаад түүнээс доош бүх чулуу гүний занараар солигдож, илүү харанхуй мэдрэмжийг төрүүлнэ.

    • Ургамал, навч цэцэглэсэн, гэрэл гэгээтэй агуй. Хөвд, гэрэлт жимсгэнэ, азалиа, тоост цэцэг зэргийг эндээс олж болно.
    • Шал, таазнаас ургах бана чулуугаар дүүрэн агуй.


Газрын өндөр өөрчлөгдөхтэй холбоотойгоор хүдрийн тархац мөн өөрчлөгдсөн. Олборлолт хийх хуучин аргууд ерөнхийдөө ажиллах боловч ямар нэгэн төрлийн хүдрээс их хэмжээгээр олохыг хүсвэл тохирох түвшинд нь очихыг зөвлөж байна.

Мөн энгийн хүдрүүд үүсэхээс гадна шинээр төмөр болон зэсийн хүдрийн орд нэмэгдсэн. Энэ нь асар том, үргэлжилсэн зэс эсвэл төмрийн хүдэр туфф эсвэл граниттай холилдон үүссэн байна.

Хүдрийн ордны үүсэх хэлбэр (Зүүн гар талд төмрийн хүдэр, баруун дээд талд зэсийн хүдэр)
Хүдрийн тархацыг илүү өргөн цар хүрээтэй болгосон

Доорх зурагт 1.18 болон 1.17 хувилбаруудын хүдрийн тархцуудын ялгааг харууллаа. Жишээ нь алмаас эрдэнэ хуучин хувилбаруудад жигд тархалттай байдаг байсан бол 1.18-аас эхлэн илүү гүн рүү явах тусам олдоц нь нэмэгдэх болно.

Хүдрийн тархац (Бүтэн зураг)


Хуучийн дэлхийг 1.18-р нээхэд шинэ болон хуучин газруудыг өмнө нь хэзээ ч байгаагүйгээр маш цэвэрхэн хооронд нь холбох болно.

1.17 болон түүнээс өмнөх хувилбарыг 1.18-р нээхэд Y=0-с доошхи хоосон зай шинэ агуйгаар дүүрнэ.

Мөн хуучин болон шинэ газруудын хооронд огцом зааг үүсэхгүйгээр газрын өндөр болон байгалийн бүсүүд уусалттайгаар шилжинэ.

Хуучин, шинэ газрын уулзвар


Lena Raine болон Kumi Tanioka нарын зохиосон шинэ хөгжмүүд тоглоомонд нэмэгдлээ.

  • Тоглоомын арын шинэ хөгжмүүд (зохиогч Lena Raine болон Kumi Tanioka)
  • "Otherside" нэртэй шинэ пянз (зохиогч Lena Raine)

Дэлхийн шинэ тогтцыг шинэ хөгжмийн хамт үзмээр байна уу? Тэгвэл доорх бичлэгийг сонирхоорой.

Minecraft 1.18 World Showcase


Шинэ зүйлсийн хамт шинэ даалгаварууд нэмэгдэх нь мэдээжийн хэрэг биз.

  • Дэлхийн оргилоос ёроол хүртэл чөлөөт уналт хийгээд амьд үлдэх "Caves & Cliffs"
  • Overworld-д хайлмалхагчийг (strider) унаад хайлмаган дээр 50 блок явах "Feels like home"
  • Дэлхийн оргилоос тосгоны иргэнтэй наймаа хийх "Star Trader"
  • Нугад (Meadow) пянз тоглуулах "Sound of Music" гэсэн даалгаврууд тус тус нэмэгдсэн



  • Үүл байрлах өндрийг 128 байсныг 192 болгож дээшлүүлсэн
  • Ягаан болрын агуй дээд тал нь Y=30 хүртэл үүсдэг болж, тархац 1.17-той ойролцоо болсон
  • Badland-д хаягдсан уурхай илүү өндөрт үүсэх боломжтой болсон
  • Тосгодыг илүү хол хол зайтай үүсдэг болгосон
  • Тоглогчийн төрөх цэгийг сонгох алгоритм цаг уурын нөхцлийг харгалзан үздэг болсон


  • Illager-ууд хүүхдүүд рүү дайрахгүй болсон
  • Аксолотль зөвхөн навчит агуйд (lush caves), доороо шавартай (clay) усанд төрнө
  • Гэрэлт наймаалж зөвхөн y=30-аас доошхи усанд төрнө
  • Бүх загас (сагамхай, яргай, далайн гахай г.м), энгийн наймаалж зөвхөн y=50-аас y=64 хооронд төрнө
  • Мобын тооны хязгаар тоглогч бүрт тусдаа тооцогддог болсон
  • Гэрлийн түвшин 7 болон түүнээс доош үед дайсан мобууд төрдөг байсан бол одоо зөвхөн тас харанхуй буюу гэрлийн түвшин 0 үед л төрдөг болсон
Аймшигт мобууд зөвхөн түнэр харанхуйд төрнө
Моб төрөхийг хязгаарлах гэрлийн түвшин (алмаас - хуучин (1.17 болон түүнээс доош), зэс - шинэ (1.18))


  • Ид шидийн ширээ бага цэрэг гэрэл цацруулдаг болсон
  • Тоглоомын үндсэн цэсийн фон зураг Caves & Cliffs: Part II -тэй холбоотой зураг болж солигдсон
  • Идэвхтэй хандны үйлчлэлүүд inventory дотор баруун гар талд харагддаг болсон. Хэрэв урт бичиг нь багтахгүй бол зөвхөн зураг нь харагдана



  • Витер тоглогч эхэлж дайрах хүртэл тоглогч руу дайрахгүй байсныг зассан (MC-29274)
  • Дэлхийн хязгаарын цаад талд тээврийн хэрэгсэл (завь, гахай г.м) ашиглан гарч болж байсныг зассан (MC-53444)
  • Анх төрөхөд мөсөн уулан дотор төрж байсныг зассан (MC-132347)
  • Stronghold намагт үүсэхгүй байсныг зассан (MC-136288)
  • Төрөх цэгээ дэлхийн хязгаарын ор эсвэл дахин төрөх зангуу ашиглан гадна тохируулж болж байсныг зассан (MC-147122)
  • Тэнгисийн зомби дулаан далайд төрөхгүй байсныг зассан (MC-159025)
  • Оронд хэвтэж байх үедээ чат бичиж байхад, босох үед чат хаагдан бичиж байсан зүйл устаж байсныг зассан (MC-160710)
  • Устай шиддэг лонхыг Ээндийн хүн рүү шидэхэд Ээндийн хүнийг гэмтээхгүй байсныг зассан (MC-166423)
  • Чат бичихэд гацалт үүсч байсныг зассан (MC-218167)
  • Ид шидийн ширээ 7 түвшний гэрэл цацруулахгүй байсныг зассан (Parity) (MC-230343)


  • MC-7200 – Cave/tunnel generation may cut tunnels a bit too soon.
  • MC-29274 – Withers will not pursue players in survival mode unless attacked.
  • MC-30560 – River through eroded badlands biome generates floating rock formations at water surface.
  • MC-32813 – Floating water / lava above caves / cave carver doesn't update water.
  • MC-44055 – Game fails to switch the audio output from one device to another from the title screen after the game has started.
  • MC-46584 – Clicking and dragging MOUSE 3 (mouse wheel) over item slots incorrectly attempts to place full stacks in Survival.
  • MC-49010 – Cloning pressure plates or buttons whilst they're activated keeps them pressed forever.
  • MC-50888 – Can get out of 30,000,000 area.
  • MC-53444 – You can get outside of the world border by mounting a rideable entity (boat, pig, etc.) outside of it.
  • MC-54119 – Can place/take water/lava/lily pads outside world border and inside spawn protection.
  • MC-54545 – Client render distance doesn't adjust to server render distance if they are different, causing faulty chunk loading.
  • MC-62550 – World border not correctly initialized for the End and Nether.
  • MC-63340 – Sleeping always resets time until rain.
  • MC-65628 – Desert pyramids generate underground when using amplified or custom terrain.
  • MC-72831 – Water lakes can generate in deserts.
  • MC-73300 – "Saving Level..." text not appearing in pause menu.
  • MC-80824 – Spawning in some biomes causes "Unable to find spawn biome" warning.
  • MC-85975 – Slimes don't spawn in the swamp hills biome.
  • MC-96535 – Ambient property of potion effects with ShowParticles:0b is not disregarded.
  • MC-101334 – Required space for placing a boat is too small.
  • MC-101917 – Andesite, diorite and granite won't generate above a height of about 80.
  • MC-109260 – Full-width punctuation characters are rendered incorrectly.
  • MC-113425 – Player can interact with entities outside the world border.
  • MC-116359 – Status effects aren't displayed in inventory when recipe book is open.
  • MC-117800 – Half bed can be placed outside the world border.
  • MC-118134 – Item frame texture as an item uses texture of oak planks.
  • MC-121997 – Every dimension's world border is operating independently, and doesn't appear where it actually is.
  • MC-123277 – Too long scoreboard objectives and team names are not detected when commands are parsed.
  • MC-125033 – Old cave and ravine generation gets cut off unnaturally on chunk borders near water.
  • MC-126133 – Undercover ravines sometimes generate cut off at chunk borders.
  • MC-128762 – Strongholds do not generate in ocean buffet worlds.
  • MC-128770 – Woodland mansions still generate in dark forest hills.
  • MC-129266 – Jagged ocean transitions and slower biome generation.
  • MC-129485 – Certain biome specific plant distribution is completely based on chunks, causing patchy biome generation.
  • MC-129912 – Player no longer spawned at highest level at world spawn.
  • MC-131686 – Spawn in ground with Buffet generation when creating a new world.
  • MC-131808 – Forests don't spawn trees near the positive edges, but overstretch bounds on the negative edges.
  • MC-131930 – Deep warm ocean generates without coral and sea pickles.
  • MC-132175 – Beaches generate along swamp hills when bordering an ocean.
  • MC-132285 – Isolated water block floating in mid-air.
  • MC-132306 – Snowy grass without snow near lakes in snowy biome.
  • MC-132347 – Spawning inside icebergs.
  • MC-132429 – Sand beaches generate when bordering gravelly mountains biomes.
  • MC-133466 – Certain world configurations force the player to spawn at X=8 Z=8.
  • MC-133582 – Dolphins try to catch up with boat on land.
  • MC-134407 – Ocean ravines spawning underground with a stone roof on top.
  • MC-135947 – Conduit takes a long time to break when underwater.
  • MC-136288 – Strongholds don't generate in swamp biomes.
  • MC-136523 – Invisible world border in the End dimension.
  • MC-137140 – Llamas cannot spawn in shattered savanna plateau.
  • MC-137950 – Signs textures do not correspond to the actual texture of their handle.
  • MC-137956 – Lakes still generate in superflat preset "Overworld" after removing its tag.
  • MC-138118 – Parrot wing texture is reversed on the bottom.
  • MC-138734 – Spawn point for seed 0, world type Buffet with badlands plateau biome is under surface, ⇒ player dies.
  • MC-138782 – Stranded dolphin tries to catch the boat on the water and stops beating.
  • MC-138801 – The interactions between a biome and another biome and its variants are inconsistent.
  • MC-140151 – Modified jungle edge biomes only generate when a jungle borders a swamp hills biome.
  • MC-140690 – Giant spruce taiga hills have no difference with giant spruce taiga.
  • MC-142385 – Campfire texture has one pixel extending into hotbar outline.
  • MC-145376 – Bamboo can generate underground when generating in non-bamboo jungles.
  • MC-147122 – You can set your spawn point outside the world border using a bed or respawn anchor.
  • MC-148182 – The zombie villager "profession" texture uses villager-skin-colored pixels.
  • MC-148422 – Stripped dark oak log side texture is too bright.
  • MC-149822 – Bottom border on status effect displays in the inventory is missing.
  • MC-150567 – Dark oak log top texture bark ring not updated.
  • MC-152506 – Wither skull projectile has faces with old texture.
  • MC-152966 – Increase in villages generating in versions after 1.10.
  • MC-156616 – Badlands layers not generating properly.
  • MC-158410 – Strongholds don't generate in beach surface and snowy beaches buffet worlds.
  • MC-159025 – Drowned do not spawn in warm ocean biomes.
  • MC-160256 – Texture of door items does not match the blocks.
  • MC-160710 – Chat messages written while sleeping are deleted after waking up.
  • MC-162038 – Pillagers have no hood texture.
  • MC-162803 – Lily Pad mirrors texture when placed.
  • MC-166238 – Trees can generate on mycelium.
  • MC-166423 – Splash water bottles don't damage endermen.
  • MC-166508 – Glitchy chunk rendering since 1.15 pre-release 2.
  • MC-167277 – Swamp hills don't naturally generate seagrass.
  • MC-169523 – As of 18w06a, the sand, clay and gravel blocks no longer generate around small lakes.
  • MC-170551 – Foxes can't spawn on podzol or coarse dirt.
  • MC-170557 – Spruce door top/bottom has the incorrect texture.
  • MC-173339 – Comparators lit base texture is incorrect.
  • MC-175929 – Ice spikes get cut off below height limit on AMPLIFIED worlds.
  • MC-176309 – Illusioner has a few misplaced pixels left in their texture.
  • MC-176824 – Red glass and outline of blue glass are slightly more opaque.
  • MC-176833 – Anvil GUI hammer uses an outdated iron pallet.
  • MC-177016 – Some lakes in frozen biomes generate unfrozen.
  • MC-177664 – Sound system warning messages are spamming the system log.
  • MC-180398 – Too many sounds causes client to stall, limit can be easily reached with rabbits.
  • MC-182362 – Score callbacks with a too long name break callback chain.
  • MC-183184 – Sprinting stops as soon as you touch another block.
  • MC-185033 – Underground spawn in single biome world type.
  • MC-185034 – Always respawning on the same block with no spawnpoint set.
  • MC-185263 – Non full chunks in cache memory "semi-leak".
  • MC-186042 – Plains biome is always generated when a swamp borders a desert, snowy tundra or snowy taiga.
  • MC-187174 – World border does not take Nether coordinates into account.
  • MC-187716 – Nether biome surface builder types incorrectly assume the world height is 128 blocks.
  • MC-188096 – Gravelly mountains+ is no different than gravelly mountains.
  • MC-190285 – "bedrock_roof_position" tag number does not represent height, but height modifier.
  • MC-190363 – Some biomes generate as "Single biome" worlds in "Floating islands" world type.
  • MC-190724 – Spawning in solid blocks in single biome "Badlands Plateau" world.
  • MC-193348 – Status effect bars shift the player's inventory in Creative mode.
  • MC-194822 – Glass pane top texture has not changed with the Texture Update.
  • MC-194950 – Cactus in potted cactus is vertically squished.
  • MC-196723 – If the player gets an effect in Creative mode while their inventory is open and not having an effect before, they won’t see the effect in their inventory until they close and open their inventory.
  • MC-197688 – Mountain edge never generates.
  • MC-198007 – Villages replace ice with path blocks instead of wood.
  • MC-198232 – Music plays less frequently as it normally did.
  • MC-199298 – Strongholds don't generate in bamboo jungles.
  • MC-199662 – Extra pixels in cocoa pod textures as of Texture Update.
  • MC-200046 – Cartography table planks texture is incorrect/slightly outdated.
  • MC-200137 – Lectern base plate texture still uses the old planks texture.
  • MC-200230 – Anomalous stripes/grid ice generation in frozen ocean biome.
  • MC-200494 – In mineshafts, torches can generate attached to blocks other than the wooden supports.
  • MC-200640 – Despite being a coastal biome, mushroom field shores don't have a warm/unique water color.
  • MC-200803 – Gravelly mountains+/modified gravelly mountains placed incorrectly in the biome selection.
  • MC-200956 – Beetroot seeds texture is not vertically centered.
  • MC-200957 – Melon seeds texture is not vertically centered.
  • MC-202036 – Adding a biome to a datapack shifts biome IDs in existing chunks.
  • MC-202166 – "Times Crafted" statistics column doesn't always display data correctly.
  • MC-202376 – Rabbits, instead of spawning on snow blocks, spawn on snow layers.
  • MC-202910 – Inconsistent highlight color on armor.
  • MC-203155 – Enchanting table GUI uses old lapis texture.
  • MC-204901 – Side texture for dirt paths hasn't been updated with the texture update.
  • MC-206303 – Minecarts have old textures on the bottom.
  • MC-206620 – Cauldron invisible when crawling in it.
  • MC-206660 – Stalactites don't fall properly if there are blocks directly below it.
  • MC-208352 – Dark forest hills don't generate small patches of plains or sunflower plains, but dark forest does.
  • MC-208353 – Several hills biomes do not generate sporadically replacing patches of their regular biome counterparts.
  • MC-208601 – Axolotls do not avoid danger when pathfinding.
  • MC-212113 – Glow lichen can spawn underwater whilst not in a cave.
  • MC-213779 – FPS drops when looking up in a tall world (4064 blocks).
  • MC-214288 – Player does not spawn on the surface of the world when min_y is greater than 0.
  • MC-214335 – Flower forest is much steeper than regular forest.
  • MC-214783 – Oceans generate with stone floors.
  • MC-214797 – Pointed dripstone can generate floating at transitions between local water levels.
  • MC-214799 – Aquifers sometimes create air pockets.
  • MC-214864 – Hard edges when new caves generate near surface.
  • MC-214894 – Bamboo generates in caves under jungles.
  • MC-214959 – Sugar cane generates in caves.
  • MC-214963 – Mineshaft generation is non-deterministic.
  • MC-215062 – Weird aquifer barrier generator and water in incorrect states.
  • MC-215139 – Some water in caves will not start flowing.
  • MC-215296 – Mineshafts often don't generate in floating island worlds.
  • MC-215876 – Dirt can generate below Y=0 from mineshafts.
  • MC-216432 – Mineshafts can generate with light but without any torches.
  • MC-216448 – River generates over a ravine.
  • MC-216561 – Torches not spawning in abandoned mineshafts under Y=0.
  • MC-216784 – Ruined portals don't generate below Y=0.
  • MC-216952 – Some chunks interrupting with cave systems filled with blocks.
  • MC-216967 – Kelp and seagrass can generate in aquifers.
  • MC-217038 – Large dripstone structures can be generated outside the caves.
  • MC-217056 – Some high-speed particles lag/freeze the game.
  • MC-217136 – Random noise pillars generating mid air.
  • MC-217379 – Pufferfish don't spawn in deep warm ocean.
  • MC-217465 – Unnatural shape looking like a chunk border but appears to be completely unrelated to chunk borders.
  • MC-217509 – Inefficient generation of aquifers, noise caves and ore veins.
  • MC-217906 – Large amounts of axolotls cause performance issues.
  • MC-218167 – Chatting causes lag to occur.
  • MC-218532 – Terracotta generating in caves in badlands.
  • MC-218592 – Azalea trees can generate in more than two blocks of water.
  • MC-219035 – Fossil structures can't generate in far east and south blocks of a chunk.
  • MC-219132 – Cave vines hang from amethyst buds and clusters.
  • MC-219774 – Magma blocks spawn everywhere underwater in 21w10a.
  • MC-219946 – Weird flat sections of terrain.
  • MC-220061 – Painting back texture is mirrored.
  • MC-221172 – Warped and Crimson Stems use different top texture from Bedrock Edition.
  • MC-221641 – Caves can make ravines generate without water.
  • MC-221679 – End fog loses its gradient when under Y=0.
  • MC-221777 – Horses, donkeys, mules, llamas, and trader llamas do not follow players holding food.
  • MC-221815 – Flat roofs in underwater caves.
  • MC-221917 – Dripstone, pointed dripstone, and cave magma generate in oceans.
  • MC-222051 – Iron ore generation was not increased in 21w13a.
  • MC-222154 – Cave vines can generate hanging on pointed dripstone.
  • MC-222379 – Magma can spawn under air in underwater caves.
  • MC-222388 – Acacia trees under Y=0 often grow with bare branches.
  • MC-222763 – Armor stands use the old smooth stone slab texture.
  • MC-223044 – Floating water can generate in ravines.
  • MC-223051 – Dripstone can generate in surface lakes.
  • MC-223148 – Extended height message goes behind the scrolling bar.
  • MC-223840 – Lava blocks from "Lava Aquifers" don't get updated when a cave cuts through underneath them.
  • MC-223917 – Goats on fire do not attempt to pathfind towards water.
  • MC-224205 – Cloned big dripleaves remain tilted forever when their tilt value is not equal to "none".
  • MC-224494 – Regular dirt can generate naturally on the surface near pools.
  • MC-225030 – Dungeons are extremely rare compared to in the past.
  • MC-225506 – Grass blocks can generate naturally in underground pools.
  • MC-225553 – Oak and iron doors have a line in their textures.
  • MC-225781 – The noise cave lava level and the cave carver lava level generate 1 block apart.
  • MC-225842 – Flowers can generate on large plants near lakes.
  • MC-225858 – Seeds and flowers appear in ponds.
  • MC-225949 – Parity issue: Different Bedrock and Java sign items textures.
  • MC-226000 – Pointed dripstone items in underground pools.
  • MC-226313 – Lava can generate floating in caves.
  • MC-226437 – Water lakes generating in snowy tundra's can sometimes contain dark spots.
  • MC-226682 – World can fail to render/load causing visual issues.
  • MC-226689 – Albert Pastore's name is grey and improperly indented in the credits.
  • MC-226711 – Carrot crop texture has an incorrect pixel.
  • MC-227064 – Floating grass can still generate above water lakes.
  • MC-227163 – Credits say "IT Manager" instead of "IT Managers".
  • MC-227204 – "Explore, dream, discover" quote no longer appears after new credits.
  • MC-227206 – Random names in the new credits use curly quotes/apostrophes.
  • MC-227231 – Steven Silvester's name might be misspelt in the credits.
  • MC-227239 – In the credits, Elizabeth Batson's company name is improperly capitalized.
  • MC-227244 – Ore blocks from ore veins float in underwater magma ravines.
  • MC-227258 – Flowering Azalea Leaves are in both #minecraft:mineable/hoe and #minecraft:mineable/axe tags, while regular Azalea Leaves (and all other leaves) are only in #minecraft:mineable/hoe.
  • MC-227329 – The usage and punctuation of "Inc" is still inconsistent in the credits.
  • MC-227398 – Misplaced pixel on cave vines texture.
  • MC-227537 – Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet.remove(Object)" because "$$4" is null.
  • MC-228745 – Big dripleafs can't be supported by farmland.
  • MC-228900 – Cave vines can generate floating (Recurrence of MC-218817).
  • MC-229013 – Lava lake decorator config is unused.
  • MC-229365 – Large amounts of goats cause performance issues.
  • MC-229517 – Conversion sounds for strays and drowned is controlled by Friendly Creatures mixer, not Hostile Creatures.
  • MC-229977 – Breaking blocks with pistons on the east/west direction causes significant lag.
  • MC-230302 – Glow item frame item texture is missing two pixels.
  • MC-230343 – Parity issue: Enchanting tables do not emit a light level of 7.
  • MC-230866 – Eating whilst traveling through a Nether portal prints error in game log.
  • MC-231219 – Cave vines can occasionally generate hanging on fences.
  • MC-231272 – Cave vines can sometimes generate hanging on cobwebs.
  • MC-231400 – Modified badlands plateau and mountain edge don't generate and gives out invalid biome data in single biome worlds.
  • MC-231666 – Dragon egg can teleport to outside the world border.
  • MC-231782 – Missing "(" in Frank Criscione credit.
  • MC-231818 – You can no longer use the up or down arrow to navigate between servers in the multiplayer menu.
  • MC-231863 – Game crashes when trying to access the Realms settings.
  • MC-233050#lava_pool_stone_replaceables tag name is misleading.
  • MC-233661 – In some cases, sand blocks generating over lakes do not cause light updates, resulting in large dark spots.
  • MC-233771 – Parity issue: Light blocks do not display their light level when shown via a held light block item.
  • MC-233883 – The hide and show messages buttons in the social interactions menu display their hover text regardless of the position of the cursor.
  • MC-234039 – The back of wild axolotls are off-centered.
  • MC-235567 – Clusters of dripstone (stalagmites) tend to generate abnormally frequent with thickness "tip" on tall caves.
  • MC-237608 – Server address shown when connection fails during server startup.
  • MC-238006 – Emerald ore and infested blocks do not generate in snowy mountain biomes.
  • MC-238073 – Decorators are independent of world seed.
  • MC-238877 – Deep ocean and ocean are not needed for the "Adventuring Time" advancement.
  • MC-238966 – Old growth spruce taiga and old growth birch forest aren't a part of the "Adventuring Time" advancement.
  • MC-238968 – Windswept gravelly hills and windswept savanna aren't a part of the "Adventuring Time" advancement.
  • MC-240021 – Cullface arguments in cauldrons are excessive.
  • MC-240229 – Rain and snow fall on the same blocks in a certain height range.
  • MC-241747 – Inconsistent Colors in grindstone GUI.


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Minecraft 1.18 болон Caves & Cliffs шинэчлэлтийн хөгжүүлэлтийн явцад гарсан бүх нийтлэлийг уншихаар бол энд дарна уу.