Minecraft Snapshot 19w46a/b

Бүтээгч горимд (creative mode) байхдаа өлсөж байсан уу? Тийм бол сайхан мэдээ дуулгая. Одоо бүх хоол, хүнсийг бүтээгч горимд байхдаа идэх боломжтой боллоо.

Minecraft Snapshot 19w46a/b


  • Зөгийнүүд цэцэг хаана байгааг мартах үед тоглоом осолдож байсныг зассан
  • Superflat дэлхийд буруу байгалийн бүс зааж өгсөн үед тоглоом осолдож байсныг зассан
  • Чатанд tab-аар нэр автоматаар гаргаж байхад тоглоом осолдож байсныг зассан
  • Бичвэрийн өнгөний contrast өөрчилсөн
  • Системийн бичвэрийг яриа болгох систем ассан үед санал болгож байгаа тушаалуудыг уншиж өгнө


  • Mob алахад туршлагийн онооны бөмбөлгүүд нь loot байх газар нь
  • Зөгийнүүд үүрнийхээ зөвхөн үүдээр гарна
  • Бүтээгч горимд бүх төрлийн хоолыг идэх боломжтой болсон
  • Гүйцэтгэлийг сайжруулсан
  • Зөгийн болон зөгийн балтай холбоотой даалгаварууд (advancements) нэмсэн
  • Алдаа зассан


  • Даалгавар "Sticky Situation": зөгийн бал руу үсэрч уналтаа зөөлрүүлэх
  • Даалгавар "Bee Our Guest": Түүдэг гал ашиглан зөгийнүүдийг уурлуулахгүйгээр балыг нь авах
  • Даалгавар "Total Beelocation": Зөөлөн авах шидтэй багаж ашиглан зөгийн үүрийг дотроо 3 зөгийтэй нь авч явах


MC-161874 - Scoreboard sidebar text is partially transparent


  • MC-2871 - Baby zombies are not spawned when right-clicking onto an adult zombie with a zombie spawn egg
  • MC-112990 - Powered data parameter of furnace minecart is set by client as well
  • MC-129273 - Attempting to place a painting in a spot where it cannot exist may play the hand animation anyway
  • MC-141354 - Dragon fireball texture inconsistent with new fire charge texture
  • MC-144263 - Anvils glitch out and make noise when dropped on shulker
  • MC-145821 - Stained glass, ice, slime block and other transparent block particles are not transparent anymore
  • MC-146305 - Wandering traders sometimes run extremely fast for no reason
  • MC-146623 - Bonus chest can spawn in the air or over grass
  • MC-150079 - Some commands in a command block will not run if the last character is a space.
  • MC-156746 - Can’t change Attribute generic.maxHealth for tamed wolves/dogs
  • MC-159353 - Bees can take damage after leaving a bee nest or a bee hive
  • MC-159614 - Baby hostile bees don’t have an attacking animation
  • MC-160900 - Arm swings when right-clicking armor stand/item frame
  • MC-160981 - Making tamed parrots sit/stand plays no hand animation
  • MC-161059 - Bees don’t sleep during rain
  • MC-161074 - Experience disappears after dying with gamerule doImmediateRespawn true
  • MC-161154 - When the ender eye is unavailable, the hand animation is still playing
  • MC-161435 - Arm swing animation is played when eating or drinking an item
  • MC-162522 - Setting render distance to values >8 chunks freezes the game for >1 second (minutes for higher values)
  • MC-162724 - Bees don’t leave their nest/hive in the nether
  • MC-162927 - Breaking animation on grass block is miss-coloured
  • MC-163027 - Mob and player particles are offset
  • MC-163034 - Experience orbs are no longer translucent
  • MC-163133 - Giant spruce trees occasionally generate very short
  • MC-163293 - Leaves of acacia trees generate differently than before
  • MC-163375 - Minecart with a Furnace can take anything as fuel
  • MC-163381 - Exception loading structure piece with id minecraft:nvi
  • MC-163448 - Redundant hand animation when clicking on a fully-healed iron golem with an iron ingot
  • MC-163472 - Items out of your inventory push you in death screen
  • MC-163475 - Savanna biomes have a lot more grass than before
  • MC-163863 - Lit redstone ore no longer produces a burst of particles when right clicked / Right clicking lit redstone ore plays redundant hand animation
  • MC-163869 - Fishing line isn’t curved anymore
  • MC-163871 - Placing a chest next to a closing chest cuts the animation in half
  • MC-163936 - Arm swings when attempting to put a saddle on a baby pig
  • MC-164049 - Pretty name of int array tag is wrong
  • MC-164101 - Bees outside of a bee hive or nest will not become angry when a player harvests honey or honeycomb from a nearby hive or nest
  • MC-164143 - Saplings try to grow on the highest block above them
  • MC-164152 - Experience orbs are rotated incorrectly when using the third person camera from the front
  • MC-164336 - Campfire under bees don’t calm bees if open trapdoor is between the campfire and bee nest
  • MC-164486 - Bees still mad even though there are campfires underneath beehives when there is a carpet in between
  • MC-164499 - Game crashes when creating customized superflat world with unparsable biome
  • MC-164535 - /playsound uses wrong feedback message for multiple targets
  • MC-164536 - Anvil item naming text field contents are rendered above item tooltips
  • MC-164745 - Rendering Issue In Statistic Menu
  • MC-164747 - Inconsistent Capitalization of ‘By’ in ‘Damage Blocked By Shield’
  • MC-164909 - Silk Touch continues working after tool breaks
  • MC-164992 - Empty bee hives and bee nests drop as an item when being broken in Creative mode
  • MC-165023 - Sand dropped on boats can force update cacti, sugar cane, and bamboo causing them to grow very quickly
  • MC-165034 - Falling blocks convert to blocks when falling on top of a boat
  • MC-165061 - Command blocks ignore trailing spaces when checking syntax
  • MC-165174 - Breaking particles of semi-transparent blocks are not transparent
  • MC-165181 - Boats are filled with water


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Эх сурвалж: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-19w46a