Minecraft Snapshot 20w18a

Redstone-ы дохио дамжуулах болон харагдах байдалд өөрчлөлт орлоо, Мөн олон алдаа засагдсан

Minecraft Snapshot 20w18a


  • Redstone утаснуудын харагдах байдал болон дохио дамжуулах чиглэл хоорондоо зохицдог болсон. Мөн цохилтын хайрцаг нь хэлбэрээсээ хамаарч өөрчлөгдөнө
  • Байн блок одоо дохио дамжуулагч чанартай болсон
Өмнөх хувилбарууд болон snapshot 20w18a харьцуулалт


  • server.properties файлд enable-status сонголтыг нэмсэн. Үүний утга false үед клиентаас серверийн төлвийг мэдэх зорилготой хүсэлтийг няцаана. Ингэснээр хүмүүст сервер офлайн мэт харагдана.
  • Серверээс клиент руу хэр их субъектуудын өгөгдлийг илгээхийг удирдах боломжтой entity-broadcast-range-percentage тохиргоо нэмсэн. Өндөр утга байх тусам илүү холын субъектууд харагдах боловч сүлжээгээр их өгөгдөл дамжих хэрэгтэй болно. Утгыг өгөгдмөл зайн хэдэн хувь байхаар өгөх ба жишээ нь 50 байвал өгөгдмөл зайн тал хэмжээгээр тогтооно.
  • Даалгаврын системийн өөрчлөлт


  • Бүх өдөөгчдөд player шалгалтыг нэмсэн (impossible-оос бусад)
  • Өдөөгчдын субектын шалгалт loottable-н нөхцлийн дүрмээр бичигдэнэ

Хуучин бичиглэл:

  "trigger": "minecraft:player_killed_entity",
  "conditions": {
    "entity": {
      "type": "minecraft:blaze"
Хуучин бичиглэл
  "trigger": "minecraft:player_killed_entity",
  "conditions": {
    "entity": [
        "condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
        "predicate": {
          "type": "minecraft:blaze"
        "entity": "this"
Шинэ бичиглэл


  • MC-11211 - Unable to perform many right click actions when targeting the top face of blocks placed at y=255
  • MC-111381 - Rendering rotations for shulkers are set in onInitialSpawn method
  • MC-143904 - Adding a non-rail block to the “rails” block tag will crash the game when placing a minecart on it
  • MC-147255 - Beds in the overworld will explode if in a nether wastes biome
  • MC-162385 - The background of the title text does not fade with the text
  • MC-166269 - Wet wolves become black for an instant after shaking off water
  • MC-166296 - Mobs picking up and equipping items does not play the equipping sound
  • MC-170840 - Broken spawn rates in soul sand valleys and warped forests
  • MC-170944 - /locatebiome messages do not fit for all biome names
  • MC-171523 - Inconsistent strings for warped and crimson wall signs
  • MC-172172 - Adult piglins spin around while following the player
  • MC-172253 - Equip sound doesn’t play when Piglins equip items
  • MC-173067 - NullPointerException when a structure containing a campfire is placed during world generation
  • MC-173198 - Target blocks are transparent and do not transfer redstone signals
  • MC-173385 - New Nether lighting system doesn’t affect fluids, entity-like blocks (chests, etc.) and entities
  • MC-173747 - Armor enchantment glint doesn’t render
  • MC-174573 - Nether vines can drop multiple copies with fortune (free duplication)
  • MC-174593 - Inconsistent pluralisation in “fell off a scaffolding”
  • MC-174811 - Zombified piglins are able to spawn on top of nether wart blocks
  • MC-175107 - It’s possible to get Bad Omen VI in Survival mode
  • MC-175740 - Game crashes when dispenser is used on non-beehive block in #beehives tag
  • MC-175741 - Game crashes when a cat attempts to sleep in a non-bed in the #beds tag
  • MC-176028 - Striders can spawn in stacks of three or more
  • MC-176032 - Striders can float
  • MC-176054 - Baby strider passengers float / passenger offset is too high
  • MC-176135 - Striders riding other entities are not cold
  • MC-176203 - Striders with Levitation walking on Lava don’t levitate
  • MC-176459 - Baby striders can spawn with saddles
  • MC-176468 - Adult striders can spawn with saddles
  • MC-177105 - Piglins, hoglins, zoglins and villagers look at their target’s feet instead of its head
  • MC-177127 - Unnecessary exclamation point in subtitle “End Portal opens!”
  • MC-177173 - Baby Zoglin age status value is not stored in the NBT tag.
  • MC-177561 - Compasses used on the top of lodestone at y=255 do not break when the lodestone is destroyed
  • MC-177771 - “death.attack.fireworks.item” displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
  • MC-177790 - Piglin Banners are named block.minecraft.banner.piglin.[<colour>]
  • MC-177794 - Globe Banner Pattern is not required to add the globe to a banner
  • MC-177816 - Failed to access/delete level should be “world”
  • MC-177911 - Cave generator doesn’t cut through blackstone
  • MC-177951 - Game crashes when fire starters are used on a non-campfire in the #campfires tag
  • MC-177976 - Baby piglins can pick up soul campfires
  • MC-178013 - Zombified Piglins riding striders can despawn, leaving saddled striders
  • MC-178129 - Entity conversion subtitles use inconsistent tenses
  • MC-178336 - The message “You have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed” doesn’t make it clear that your respawn anchor might have been depleted
  • MC-178817 - “Chain Blocks” don’t have a “waterlogged” state
  • MC-178943 - Piglins/hoglins spawned in bastion remnants can outrun players
  • MC-178949 - Bastion Remnants cannot be generated in in superflat worlds
  • MC-179839 - Chat text renders behind the armor bar
  • MC-179841 - Game crashes when you optimize your world
  • MC-179845 - Rain falls through any blocks in some spots
  • MC-179847 - Hoglins and Piglins spin around
  • MC-179850 - There is no difference between Entity Distance 100% and 500%
  • MC-179858 - Maps show stone-like pattern despite it not being there
  • MC-179863 - Setting attribute minecraft:generic.max_health value to 0 or lower causes an infinite death loop after dying
  • MC-179866 - In some spots, it is raining even if it should be snowing
  • MC-179868 - Crash when going to a previous page of writable books
  • MC-179883 - Raw JSON text duplicates components in “extra” in entity names
  • MC-179886 - Play button overlay doesn’t appear in worldsave selection GUI
  • MC-179905 - Caption of game rule screen is missing
  • MC-179952 - Height map data doesn’t get converted
  • MC-179954 - Keybindings are not correctly inserted into the demo info box text
  • MC-180030 - Adult hoglins zombified into an adult zoglin deals the same damage as a baby
  • MC-180100 - Rain particles appear black under certain conditions
  • MC-180110 - Underline and strikethrough in JSON text don’t always render correctly
  • MC-180125 - Incorrect font spacing on non-BMP characters
  • MC-180135 - Empty chat messages are not displayed
  • MC-180138 - Long messages in chat no longer have hanging indention
  • MC-180246 - The “r” in “Game rules” is not capitalized
  • MC-180248 - The “g” in “Upgrade gear” is not capitalized
  • MC-180299 - “Elytra” in “Disable Elytra movement check” is inconsistently capitalized
  • MC-180353 - Chat background renders in front of the Debug Menu but chat text renders behind it
  • MC-181296 - Panorama has wrong overlay when using Programmer Art


Minecraft эхлүүлэгч рүүгээ ороод сүүлийн хувилбарыг сонгоод тоглоорой!

Хөгжүүлэлтийн үеийн хувилбарууд нь таны дэлхийг эвдэх магадлалтай тул тухайн дэлхийгээ эхлээд нөөцлөх эсвэл шинэ дэлхий дээр тоглоорой.

Серверийн jar файл:

Алдаагаа энд мэдэгд:

Санал хүсэлт өгмөөр байна уу?

Эх сурвалж: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-20w18a