Minecraft Snapshot 21w16a-21w20a

Өнгөрсөн 5 долоо хоногийн хөгжүүлэлтийн хувилбаруудад орсон өөрчлөлтүүд

Minecraft Snapshot 21w16a-21w20a

Minecraft-н ирэх хувилбаруудыг тоглоход Java 16 ашиглах шаардлагатай болсон.


  • Азалиа болон цэцэглэсэн азалиаг бордож том мод ургуулах боломжтой болсон
  • Унжуу бана дээрээ устай бана блокноос унжиж байрласан байвал ургана


  • Зэсийн хүдрийн энгийн жоотуугаар ухахахд 2-3 боловсруулаагүй зэс унагаадаг болсон.
  • Зэс блокыг 9 зэс ашиглан урладаг болсон
  • Ягаан болрын агуй илүү ховор болсон
  • Үндэстэй шорооноос үндсийг зээтүүгээр салгаж, энгийн шороо болгох боломжтой болсон
  • Аксолотль зөвхөн усанд л үхсэн болж жүжиглэнэ
  • Нөхөрсөг түвшинд лам гөрөөс тоглогч руу нулимахгүй
  • Дөшөөр эд зүйл нэрлэхэд тэмдэгтийн хязгаар 35 байсныг нэмэгдүүлж 50 болгосон
  • Бүрэн бэлэн болоогүй  эд зүйлсийг (мэдрэгч скалк, богц, лаа) бүтээгч горимын цэс болон урлах аргуудаас хассан
  • Жоом үүрлэсэн блок дороо эвдэрдэг байсныг энгийн блокноосоо арай удаан эвдэрдэг болгосон
  • Чарлаа ямаа энгийн яамаанаас илүү их мөргөх магадлалтай болсон
  • Жижиг Dripleaves-г хөвдөн блок дээр тавьж болдог болсон
  • Боловсруулаагүй металл блокуудын дүрслэлийг өөрчилсөн


Санамж: Энэ хэсэгт буй зүйлс Minecraft 1.17 хувилбарт багтахгүй бөгөөд caves & cliffs шинэчлэлтийн туршилтын зүйлс болно.

Minecraft Snapshot 21w15a
Caves & Cliffs шинэчлэлт 2 хэсэг болж хуваагдан гарна.
Minecraft 1.17 хувилбараас агуй болон уулын өөрчлөлтүүд хасагдсан мэдээ

Шинэчлэгдсэн туршилтын Caves & Cliffs өгөгдлийн багцыг татаж авах.

  • Газар доор зэс болон төмрийн хүдрийн орд үүсдэг болсон
  • Хүдрийн орд нь том, ховор, могой шиг хэлбэртэй
  • Зэсийн орд 0-с дээш түвшинд боржин чулуутай холилдон үүснэ
  • Төмрийн орд 0-с доош түвшинд туфф чулуутай холилдон үүснэ
  • Зэсийн хүдрийн орд нэмсэнтэй холбоотой жижиг зэсийн хүдрүүдийн үүсэх тоог бага зэрэг багасгасан
  • Төмрийн хүдрийн орд нэмсэнтэй холбоотой жижиг төмрийн хүдрүүдийн үүсэх тоог бага зэрэг багасгасан
  • Хүдрийн орд дунд боловсруулаагүй металл блок олох боломжтой
  • Гоймон хэлбэрийн агуйн төрөл нэмсэн – нарийхан урт урт агуйнууд
  • Гүний занар y 0-ээс дээш үүсэхийг болиулсан
  • Газар доорх 0 түвшнээс доошхи зарим нуурууд усны оронд хайлмагтай үүсдэг болсон
Хүдрийн тархалтын өөрчлөлт (Бүтэн зураг)
Гоймон хэлбэрийн агуй
Хайлмаган нуур
Хүдрийн ордны үүсэх хэлбэр (Зүүн гар талд төмрийн хүдэр, баруун дээд талд зэсийн хүдэр)


  • “HasVisualFire” NBT tag нэмсэн бөгөөд энэ нь энтити галнаас гэмтэхгүй хэрнээ шатаж буй харагдана
  • Тоглоомыг ажиллуулахад JAVA 16 шаардлагатай болсон.



  • Өвс / Цэцэг / Цас газар үүсэхэд агаар дээр тогтсон байдгийг зассан (MC-610)
  • Дөш эвдрэх үед сүүлийн авсан эд зүйл газар хаягддаг байсныг зассан (MC-3587)
  • Элитрагаар нисэх үед галт пуужин ашиглахад галт пуужин ашигласан статистик нэмэгдэхгүй байсныг зассан (MC-111534)
  • stat.playOneMinute-н утга tick бүрт 1-ээр нэмэгдэж байсныг болиулсан (MC-29522)



  • MC-610 - Grass / Flowers / Snow are placed incorrectly in newly created chunks
  • MC-102220 - Barrier Blocks are not shown when “Show Invisible Blocks” is selected in Save Structure Blocks
  • MC-149777 - Crash when loading world: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when using Java 11 or above
  • MC-172304 - Piglins, piglin brutes, hoglins, zoglins and axolotls can attack their own teammates
  • MC-189535 - Catching a fish in a bucket on creative mode doesn’t give player new bucket
  • MC-191338 - Name color for Minecart with Command Block is incorrect
  • MC-192591 - Name color for Structure Void is incorrect
  • MC-198200 - Crash when leaving out processors in a template pool: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
  • MC-203712 - Amethyst Geodes cause floating water/lava to generate when intersecting water/lava caves/pools
  • MC-203867 - Amethyst geodes can overwrite bedrock
  • MC-204393 - Lava Cauldron emits redstone signal strength 1 instead of 3
  • MC-204902 - Dirt paths are no longer compatible with the programmer art resource pack
  • MC-205104 - Rideable mobs are not affected by powder snow’s freezing effect while being ridden
  • MC-205120 - Freezing hearts aren’t displayed properly in Programmer Art resource pack
  • MC-205250 - Amethyst geodes can generate in a stronghold and can potentially destroy the end portal frames
  • MC-205680 - minecraft:location_check predicate floating point imprecision
  • MC-206107 - Parrots sitting on shoulders do not freeze in powder snow
  • MC-206131 - Amethyst blocks are transparent / don’t conduct Redstone
  • MC-206601 - Potion particles are showing when looking through spyglass
  • MC-206839 - Pointed dripstones cause extreme durability damage to helmets
  • MC-207324 - Mobs and particles sometimes don’t fully render behind stained or tinted glass
  • MC-207366 - Trying to modify the world height of a world after it’s already been generated gives a null pointer exception
  • MC-208586 - Axolotls get stuck and spin constantly on top of lily pads
  • MC-208589 - Axolotls have a swimming animation (move their body up- and downwards) when on land
  • MC-208601 - Axolotls do not avoid lava when pathfinding
  • MC-208617 - Axolotls sometimes twitch rapidly when adjusting their rotation
  • MC-208641 - Axolotl movement glitch on stairs
  • MC-208649 - Breeding axolotl with a bucket of tropical gives back a bucket instead of a water bucket
  • MC-208654 - Collecting an axolotl with a water bucket in creative mode replaces the original bucket
  • MC-208675 - Axolotls sometimes use walking animation when in shallow water
  • MC-208682 - Axolotls frequently get stuck inside of waterlogged blocks
  • MC-208691 - Axolotls play dead even when they take damage without being attacked by an entity
  • MC-208735 - Axolotls attempt to pathfind towards unreachable water, then start spinning, eventually drying out and dying
  • MC-209324 - Pointed Dripstone can be broken with tridents in spawn protection
  • MC-212125 - Only one glow lichen drops when using shears on multiple in a single block space
  • MC-212531 - Shulkers can rotate their heads up and down
  • MC-212931 - Fire extinguishing sound doesn’t play when mobs are extinguished with rain/water
  • MC-214041 - Mob can’t properly or difficult walk on big dripleaf, when the big dripleaf is 4 blocks or more from the ground
  • MC-214909 - Top half of a small dripleaf can turn into a ghost block when placing it in water while the water is being removed
  • MC-215665 - Amethyst Geodes can overlap with dungeons
  • MC-216214 - netherrack_replace_blobs with water as target crashes the game
  • MC-216980 - Comma splices in two source strings (EN_US)
  • MC-217113 - Foxes spawned inside of powder snow sleeps
  • MC-217608 - The big dripleaf texture is not vertically centered
  • MC-217742 - Campfires and TNT can be lit by players using arrows shot from flame bows in spawn protection
  • MC-219856 - F3 + L isn’t sorted alphabetically in the debug screen
  • MC-219870 - The Mojang loading screen upon start up flashes black
  • MC-220063 - Sweet berries and glow berries sound events are named extremely differently
  • MC-220128 - Parity Issue: Rooted dirt won’t turn into the dirt and drop roots item after tilling with hoe in Java
  • MC-220694 - Name color for knowledge book is incorrect
  • MC-220867 - Fossils can generate through bedrock
  • MC-221566 - Name color for light is incorrect
  • MC-221694 - Strays do not spawn in powder snow
  • MC-221833 - Light blocks are not shown within structure block bounds with Show Invisible Blocks on
  • MC-221863 - Powder Snow can be broken by players on fire in spawn protection
  • MC-221984 - Collecting an axolotl in a bucket and then placing it resets its kill cooldown
  • MC-222002 - Light item displays the wrong level number
  • MC-222116 - Splash water bottles doesn’t extinguish candle cakes
  • MC-222797 - Axolotl can be bred with just tropical fish items, not just bucket ones
  • MC-223322 - Chorus flowers can be broken with projectiles in spawn protection
  • MC-223372 - You can decrease the level of a water or powder snow cauldron, through the use of an entity on fire in spawn protection
  • MC-224320 - minecraft.used:minecraft.potion doesn’t increase when filling a partially filled cauldron with a water bottle
  • MC-224322 - Powder snow can create ghost blocks in creative mode
  • MC-224480 - Powder snow doesn’t melt into water in cauldrons
  • MC-224482 - Superflat presets no longer generate with decorations
  • MC-225078 - Upgrading from 1.12.2 and below will cause items to lose enchantments
  • MC-225253 - Dying in a nether portal softlocks the player on the “You Died!” menu
  • MC-225347 - cave_vines_plant isn’t in #bee_growables
  • MC-225352 - Geodes have not been made “significantly rarer”
  • MC-225360 - Cannot resolve SRV records: unknown host


  • MC-105080 - Ender Dragon is respawned if all Exit End Portal blocks are removed / legacy scanning is done for worlds with new dragon fight
  • MC-136647 - Leads don’t work with Squids
  • MC-200009 - Crash when using a non-mushroom block in a huge mushroom feature’s cap
  • MC-203606 - “X Candle Cake” should be “Cake with X Candle”
  • MC-203718 - Lightning rod stays activated when struck by lighting at the same time as being moved by a piston
  • MC-203757 - Anvil character limit is too low for items with long names
  • MC-204244 - Sheep are rendered like white sheared sheep through tinted glass blocks
  • MC-205626 - The command syntax order of /item is inconsistent
  • MC-208663 - Pufferfish don’t defend themselves from axolotls
  • MC-208740 - Withers attack axolotls that are playing dead
  • MC-209533 - Amethyst shard is not grouped with other gemstones in the Creative inventory
  • MC-212206 - Shulkers generating outside the world border bug out when trying to spawn
  • MC-213774 - Hanging roots float in your hand
  • MC-213922 - Shulkers are not spawned in the correct place
  • MC-213943 - Flying slightly above a big dripleaf can cause it to tilt without touching it
  • MC-214127 - Despite being a type of berry plant, bees don’t pollinate cave vines
  • MC-214220 - Items in water streams don’t fall from big dripleaves, but constantly try
  • MC-214283 - Hanging roots break sound event uses break3 twice, excluding break4
  • MC-217626 - Spore blossom is positioned rather strangely among flowers in Creative
  • MC-219445 - Bonemealing big dripleaf in flowing water doesn’t update the water
  • MC-219873 - Lightning Bolt detecting lightning rod incorrectly
  • MC-220106 - Lightning hitting an entity on copper slabs on top another copper block fully cleans the bottom block first
  • MC-220215 - Opening a shulker box while an entity is standing on top of it pushes it too high for a short amount of time
  • MC-221309 - Experience orbs produce particles whilst moving through powder snow
  • MC-221756 - Snow particles do not render at all when the block light level is 7 or more
  • MC-221844 - Powder snow doesn’t produce particles when broken by burning mobs
  • MC-221957 - Pick Block used on a level 15 light block returns a different item from the default light block
  • MC-222738 - Leads don’t work with Glow Squids
  • MC-222882 - Spyglass in Search tab of creative inventory is mixed with block types instead of tools where it belongs
  • MC-223132 - Powder snow doesn’t produce a breaking sound or subtitle, when destroyed through extinguishing a burning player, mob, or flame arrow
  • MC-223171 - Budding Amethyst and Copper variants are far away in the creative inventory
  • MC-223227 - Floating water caves in caves under the ocean
  • MC-223446 - Shulkers appear in the wrong place when riding an entity
  • MC-223820 - Azalea & Flowering Azalea aren’t part of the block or item tags for #saplings
  • MC-223907 - Moss block appears in the #lush_ground_replaceable.json twice
  • MC-224322 - Powder snow can create ghost blocks in creative mode
  • MC-224325 - minecraft.used:minecraft.COMPOSTABLE_ITEM doesn’t increase when placing an item into a composter
  • MC-224388 - Ores and raw materials in smelting preview are off center
  • MC-224389 - Copper Ingots are no longer grouped in the crafting table
  • MC-224927 - Infested blocks take twice as long instead of half the time
  • MC-224972 - Infested blocks have no effective tool
  • MC-225025 - Server side performance drop with dragon’s breath area effect clouds


  • MC-3587 - Last use of an anvil causes player to drop their item
  • MC-87935 - When closing the inventory while holding an item with the cursor in Creative mode, the item disappears
  • MC-125033 - Old cave and ravine generation gets cut off unnaturally on chunk borders near water
  • MC-162953 - NativeImage bounds checks are incorrect
  • MC-197616 - Certain custom biome settings cause game to spam “Received invalid biome id: -1” in the console, causing major lag or freeze
  • MC-204707 - Adventure mode players can extinguish candles
  • MC-204969 - No “Burning” sound for items burning in lava cauldron
  • MC-205797 - Zoglins attack Marker armor stands and Invisible armor stands
  • MC-206560 - Pufferfish react to Marker armor stands and Invisible armor stands
  • MC-208430 - Minecraft crashes when loading resource pack due to “tessellating block model”
  • MC-208679 - Axolotl inconsistently doesn’t show its mouth in-game
  • MC-211064 - Loading in a TrueTypeFont with an out-of-bounds size crashes the game
  • MC-214159 - Small Dripleaf sometimes shrink into smaller (1 block tall) Big Dripleaf when using bone meal
  • MC-214427 - Spore Blossoms can be used to breathe underwater / cannot be waterlogged
  • MC-214793 - Some strips of chunks generate completely dark
  • MC-214808 - World occasionally fails to load correctly
  • MC-214860 - Some chunks in a line are lit up constantly
  • MC-214898 - Extreme world generation lag
  • MC-215867 - Crash: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Chunk not there when requested
  • MC-215946 - Game fatally crashed while exploring chunks (IllegalStateException: Accessing PalettedContainer from multiple threads)
  • MC-216148 - Some chunks occasionally don’t save properly, resetting progress
  • MC-221647 - Goat Babies Don’t Follow Parents
  • MC-221725 - Legs of goats move differently
  • MC-221727 - Goat eye height is outside of its hitbox while airborne
  • MC-221840 - Goats can still do high jumps normally when on honey blocks
  • MC-222151 - Goat head animation is weird when it rides a boat
  • MC-222157 - Eye position of the goat is too high in some cases, causing suffocation
  • MC-222458 - UVs on the goat’s ears aren’t mirrored as they should be
  • MC-223141 - Piglins aren’t attracted to a Block of Raw Gold
  • MC-223145 - Piglins aren’t angered when mining a Block of Raw Gold
  • MC-223150 - Goats ram Marker armor stands & Invisible armor stands
  • MC-223178 - Deepslate Tile Stairs come before Deepslate Brick Stairs in the creative inventory
  • MC-223203 - Deepslate ore map colors are inconsistent with deepslate
  • MC-223239 - Ramming sound that comes from a baby goat does not change pitch
  • MC-223422 - When removing water from base of Small Dripleaf, the block stands without water untill a block update
  • MC-224401 - Mob death does not show death particles
  • MC-224428 - Raw ore blocks can generate as floating blocks in ore veins


  • MC-170443 - Banner copying recipe ignores existence of other items in crafting grid
  • MC-187664 - World border uses float to determine its size, making some border sizes inaccessible, and cannot be set to 30 million or beyond
  • MC-201269 - Constantly teleporting player to a phantom crashes the game/kicks the player
  • MC-203570 - Candles aren’t grouped in the recipe book
  • MC-203745 - Repeated teleport between dimensions causes the entity to duplicate on the client
  • MC-204031 - Waxed Cut Copper (any level of weathered) have two separate recipes in the recipe book
  • MC-214187 - Void platform generates multiple times
  • MC-214735 - Horse disappears when dying while riding it and reloading the world while it’s unloaded
  • MC-214838 - Big dripleaf stem remains after breaking a stem or leaf above it
  • MC-214865 - Floating islands world type generates extreme terrain
  • MC-219155 - Fishing line only starts on half distance between the fishing rod and bobber (Apple M1 only)
  • MC-219840 - You cannot unlock the recipe for Mossy Stone Bricks
  • MC-219842 - Recipes for mossy cobblestone and mossy stone bricks aren’t grouped
  • MC-220033 - (Parity issue) Hanging Roots can’t be waterlogged
  • MC-221560 - Copper/Coal Ore in Deepslate Patches aren’t Deepslate Ores
  • MC-222008 - Empty/missing template pool error grammar mistake
  • MC-222520 - Raw and Ore smelting previews aren’t grouped together
  • MC-223055 - Amethyst buds and cluster have an unused blockstate
  • MC-223792 - Shrinking world border with center past x/z 29999983 crashes the game


  • MC-29522 - stat.playOneMinute adds a value of 1 every tick
  • MC-55775 - Statistics screen sometimes doesn’t show up to date information
  • MC-111534 - The firework rocket use statistic doesn’t count rockets used for elytra boosting
  • MC-117653 - Recipes and advancements are not granted while most GUIs are open
  • MC-136560 - minecraft.used:minecraft.elytra not functioning
  • MC-136681 - Debug Stick use statistic increases when not allowed to use it
  • MC-157116 - Food that is plantable counts towards using when right clicked on the ground
  • MC-190128 - Using a flint and steel to ingite TNT is not tracked by the in-game stats
  • MC-203637 - Mobs don’t avoid lava cauldrons when pathfinding despite of setting themselves on fire
  • MC-205236 - Frozen State doesn’t go away after respawn when on a server
  • MC-208598 - Baby axolotls take damage when touching a solid block from below / eye height is outside of their hitbox
  • MC-212113 - Glow Lichen can spawn underwater whilst not in a cave.
  • MC-212863 - Glow lichen use the same color as vines on maps
  • MC-213927 - Using bone meal on a sapling that is on a moss block consumes bone meal, but doesn’t grow into a tree
  • MC-213998 - root_vines_head is unused in-game files
  • MC-214129 - Several dirt blocks are not part of the #minecraft:lush_plants_replaceable tag
  • MC-214293 - Mobs can spawn on top of azaleas
  • MC-215270 - Moss requires air above a replaceable block to spread
  • MC-216787 - Cobwebs in mineshafts can generate as if supported by chains
  • MC-217411 - Anvils can become damaged when only falling one block
  • MC-218590 - Error message for commands.give.failed.toomanyitems doesn’t translate item name
  • MC-218592 - Azalea trees can generate inside of lakes (even completely submerged in water)
  • MC-218614 - Inconsistency: Infested Deepslate can’t be placed along axis
  • MC-218637 - Inconsistency: Infested deepslate is not rotated randomly like normal deepslate
  • MC-219155 - Cast fishing line is disconnected from the rod
  • MC-219211 - Two mysterious white pixels can be seen in the upper left corner of the recipe book icon
  • MC-219851 - Applying bone meal to a waterlogged big dripleaf stem creates more waterlogged big dripleaf stems
  • MC-219903 - Silverfish infesting deepslate cause it to rotate
  • MC-220024 - Shader compilation slows or fails the more asterisks are in a multiline comment
  • MC-220307 - TrueType Font glyphs render incorrectly
  • MC-220641 - Loyalty tridents disappear when your inventory is full
  • MC-220887 - Shader includes fail to compile correctly when missing newline at end of file
  • MC-221560 - Copper/Coal Ore in Deepslate Patches aren’t Deepslate Ores
  • MC-221628 - Entities don’t stop glowing after losing the glowing effect
  • MC-221652 - Teleport command to player does not work as in previous versions
  • MC-221655 - Glow Squids and Axolotls Spawn in Monuments
  • MC-222004 - Grass block isn’t apart of the #dirt block tag
  • MC-222517 - A large amount of slime or honey blocks will crash the game
  • MC-222684 - You cannot grow azalea trees by bonemealing Azalea plants
  • MC-222778 - minecraft.used:minecraft.candle doesn’t increase when placing a candle on a cake
  • MC-223260 - Emerald ore does not generate as intended
  • MC-223553 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glow_ink_sac doesn’t increase when applying a glow ink sac to a sign
  • MC-223554 - minecraft.used:minecraft.ink_sac doesn’t increase when applying an ink sac to a sign
  • MC-223555 - minecraft.used:minecraft.COLOR_dye doesn’t increase when applying a dye to a sign
  • MC-223557 - minecraft.used:minecraft.bucket doesn’t increase when taking powder snow, lava, or water from a cauldron using a bucket
  • MC-223558 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glass_bottle doesn’t increase when taking water from a cauldron using a glass bottle
  • MC-223563 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glass_bottle doesn’t increase when collecting honey from a beehive or bee nest
  • MC-223638 - minecraft.used:minecraft.shears doesn’t increase when carving a pumpkin
  • MC-223639 - minecraft.used:minecraft.shears doesn’t increase when collecting honeycombs from a beehive or bee nest
  • MC-223756 - minecraft.used:minecraft.powder_snow_bucket doesn’t increase when filling a cauldron with a powder snow bucket
  • MC-223757 - minecraft.used:minecraft.lava_bucket doesn’t increase when filling a cauldron with a lava bucket


Minecraft эхлүүлэгч рүүгээ ороод сүүлийн хувилбарыг сонгоод тоглоорой!

Хөгжүүлэлтийн үеийн хувилбарууд нь таны дэлхийг эвдэх магадлалтай тул тухайн дэлхийгээ эхлээд нөөцлөх эсвэл шинэ дэлхий дээр тоглоорой.

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